The Forum has a programme to award small Community Grants which are available from April 1 2018 to March 31 2019. Read the Terms & Conditions first so that you get your application in on time.
The Guidance notes will help you answer the questions we ask in the application. If you need these documents in an alternative format, send us an email asking for the format you need. The deadline for all other applications is listed in the table below.
At our October 2016 meeting, Forum members agreed to set up a Regeneration Fund with £3,000 of funding for projects emerging from the Liskeard Neighbourhood Plan, and other projects that would support regeneration in the town.
You can make an application for funding by using the current Community Grant form.
Please be aware that if your project cost is in excess of £300, your answer to question 2.3 in the application will need substantial detail. Contact the Chair to discuss your proposal and we can give you an early indication of what information is needed.
Please note that, as Liskeard Town Council provided the original funds for the Liskeard Town Forum, Liskeard Town Forum and Liskeard Town Council will not support the same grant request for the same project. Applicants should either approach Liskeard Town Council or Liskeard Town Forum.
Grant Forms
Any questions, please contact for further information.