Liskeard Town Forum is raising the issue of shop fronts, and the general presentation of Liskeard. Our vice chair, who has a great deal of experience in planning matters notes:
“As you will be aware, due to recent economic circumstances ,unfortunately there are many vacant shops in our High Streets at present–and this includes within many excellent and well preserved original shop frontages that add to the character, atmosphere and attractiveness of an historic shopping centre.
The Town Forum has been supportive in the past of encouraging attractive shop displays and ‘pop up shops’ in vacant premises in the compact Liskeard town centre shopping area and it has encouraged schemes for landscaping and improving the appearance of the street scene for the benefit of traders, visitors and residents alike. The Town Forum continues to be supportive of the Liskeard Neighbourhood Plan’s objective to preserve and enhance the unique and rich architectural heritage of the town centre and Conservation Area.
The Forum has commented positively upon planning applications in an attempt to ensure that the design of proposed new developments is consistent with the character of the town. It has also had some success in working with local councillors and encouraging owners to carry out measures for the repair and maintenance of the frontages of several vacant Listed and other significant town centre buildings. Significant frontage improvements have taken place to the majority of landmark building identified by the Forum. Where little progress on maintenance is evident, Cornwall Council enforcement officers have secured assurances that improvement frontage works will be undertaken shortly. The Forum continues to encourage the positive efforts being made by owners and traders and volunteers to enhance the valuable character of the town centre.”