Helping Shape, The Liskeard Conversation

Safe 38

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Liskeard Town Forum has voted to support the work to develop a safer A38 between Saltash, Liskeard and Bodmin.

As a key trunk road to Liskeard, any accident, or holdup can have a massive effect on community of Liskeard, impacting residents and business.

Liskeard Town Forum attends the Safe38 working group meetings, and campaigns to promote safer driving alongside its partners.

To join the Safe38 group, or find out how their campaign is going, check out their website here: or their facebook page here:

Updates From The Safe A38 group

Below are updates from the SafeA38 group, provided to Liskeard Town Forum.

20th October 2021

We received an update via a video, which can be seen on our Facebook page here: